In May of this year, Citrix announced the Citrix Workspace Cloud initiative. Goliath Technologies is excited to be one of the first Citrix Premiere Partners to support this ongoing Citrix Program. On October 1, 2015 the Citrix Lifecycle Management Tool was introduced to the public and the Goliath for NetScaler Blueprint is now available in the Citrix Lifecycle Management Library.

Accelerate & Simplify

The Goliath for NetScaler Blueprint is designed to enable IT Organizations to accelerate and simplify the design, deployment, and on-going management of Citrix workloads across virtual, private, or public cloud environments.

With Goliath for NetScaler, we are able to translate the native AppFlow data into critical data related to Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop, application (VIP) utilization and access, NetScaler ADC, functions and server performance. This data drives real-time performance dashboards, threshold based alerts, and historical reports with no time restriction, and so management and application owners can troubleshoot and resolve infrastructure performance issues that impact end user experience.

Features of Our Goliath for NetScaler Blueprint Solution

  • Using the Citrix Blueprint facilitates and automates the download and deployment of the Goliath for Netscaler (GFN) virtual appliance
  • It automatically configures GFN to meet prerequisites and best practices for CPU and Memory configuration
  • It connects to VCenter and deploys ovf to the correct VMware datastore and host

Merits of Using the Blueprint Over the Traditional Way of Installing the Software Solution

  • The use of the Citrix Blueprint reduces the time of deploying the technology because instead of the deployment process being manual to download, access VMware environment, configure the appliance deployment, and deploy it to the host and storage.
  • Often the Netscaler ADC admin and the VMware admin are on two different teams. Having a blueprint could facilitate the handoff process required to request and deploy our appliance that normally takes place alongside change requests. The result would be a reduction in the overall time for deploying our technology.

Immediately Isolate Server or Client Side Performance Issues


Isolate & Analyze Individual User Session Performance


Analyze User-specific Detail


Enhance your Enterprise or Platinum Edition of NetScaler

Goliath for NetScaler is the only tool in the marketplace that enhances the functionality of your Enterprise and Platinum Edition of NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway by adding functionality like performance analysis, trending, and data exports via API or CSV.  This functionality makes it easier and faster for companies of all sizes to optimize their IT environments and helps to ensure a seamless delivery of applications and a positive end user experience.