The recent Citrix announcement that the Comtrade’s Citrix Management Packs for SCOM are being given away for free with Citrix Platinum licensing has caused a lot of confusion in the market.

The simple fact is, that the combination of Comtrade’s Citrix Management Packs for SCOM lacks a number of key features that still leave IT administrators with gigantic gaps in visibility, functionality, and without the tools to proactively manage the end user experience.


Comtrade’s Functionality Gaps

  • You cannot predict if an end user is going to experience a logon failure or slowness, because there is no logon simulation functionality.
  • You are unable to identify the root cause of a logon issue because that requires a combination of logon simulation integrated with a monitoring technology to identify the IT element causing the issue.
  • If the user is experiencing a slow logon, there is no way to isolate which stage of the logon process is causing the difficulty because Comtrade does not break down the logon process into its 33 individual stages.
  • If an end user calls with a “Citrix is slow” complaint, you cannot determine the root cause because Comtrade does not break down the ICA protocol into its component channels.
  • You cannot alert, report or run analysis on any of the above conditions because Comtrade is not collecting these metrics.
  • There is no functionality for the NetScaler that provides real-time performance dashboards, unlimited time frame reports, and threshold-based alerts.

What You Cannot Get with Comtrade 

Take a look at the following reports and product screenshots from Goliath Performance Monitor to see some of the key differentiators between Comtrade and Goliath.

Selection Criteria Comparison: Comtrade vs. Goliath Technologies 

A truly proactive end-to-end Citrix monitoring and management tool should provide you with the following features and functionality.

Get a Fully Supported 30-day Free Trial of Goliath Performance Monitor 

With a fully supported 30-day free trial of Goliath Performance Monitor you can test all of the proactive Citrix end user experience monitoring and management functionality.