Revolutionary CEO 2020

Thomas Charlton Addressing End User Performance Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted the economy all around the world. Most industries are paralyzed and several businesses had to close down due to the crumbling financial market. From sustenance to safety, everything is compromised and people are struggling to keep roofs over their heads. The biggest factor that contributed to such detrimental effects is the lack of preparation and business continuity plans. Keeping aside the sectors such as travel, food, retail, supply chain, and logistics, etc. that had to take a direct hit due to lockdown situation, many threw up their hands simply because they had no idea how to tackle it or were crippled by the lack of resources at hand. Others started looking for long-term solutions in terms of remote working, safety, and risk management in the end-to-end value chain.


In this feature, we place our focus on the industry which is playing a key role in this battle: the IT sector. Let’s hear it from a leading expert in the field, Thomas Charlton, the CEO of Goliath Technologies, that specializes in end-user experience monitoring and troubleshooting software, with embedded intelligence and automation, that enables IT pros to anticipate, troubleshoot, and document performance issues regardless of where workloads, applications, or users are located.

Thomas talked about how his company supports businesses by empowering proactive IT especially in this time of crisis, describing their approach to creating offerings around client and market needs. He also discussed how building a winning work culture helps translate into business success.

Read the full article on here.

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