Proactive XenApp & XenDesktop End User Experience Monitoring
Technology Overview: Proactive Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop End User Experience Monitoring
Proactive Citrix End User Experience Monitoring — From Logon Initiation to Session Performance
This technology overview walks you through the process of proactively ensuring a positive Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop end user experience. The overview is filled with screenshots, technical information, and the exact Citrix end user experience monitoring technology used by IT teams from Facebook, Walmart, Salesforce, UHS, Bank of America, and many more.
Need Help Troubleshooting Citrix End User Experience Issues?
Goliath’s Tech Team is here to help you troubleshoot and resolve end user experience issues. Please reach out today:
What a Citrix Certified Advanced Administrator Says about Goliath for XenApp/XenDesktop
“I have reviewed Goliath for XenApp/XenDesktop — this is a cool product. With Goliath you get metrics within the Citrix ICA and HDX channel to debug a Citrix environment. And if we took a poll on the coolest reports EdgeSight used to have, #1 and #2 would be Logon Details and Session Startup Details. Those are gone in EdgeSight but no worry, you get them all with Goliath.”